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Bend and Snap

A secret move that has a 98% success rate of getting a man's attention. When used appropriately, it has an 83% rate of return on a dinner invitation. The attractor drops something on the floor and, with legs straight, bends down to pick up the object, then snaps up, pushing her chest out . Arm movement, to draw attention to the breasts, is NOT optional; it is, however, a common misconception.

"I think I dropped something on the floor that I need to pick up! So you bend... and snap."

"Oh my God, the bend and snap! Works every time!"

by fractionate April 26, 2012

5735๐Ÿ‘ 812๐Ÿ‘Ž


A colloquial expression in english for a toilet

After a hard night on the curry it was time to hit the S-bend

by Massimo Ambrosini June 13, 2008

Big Bend

A town in southeast Wisconsin, mainly consists of drunk white people, a pretty boring place, but if your into getting fucked up it just might be the place for you!

Big Bend, BB hood

by EJP420 August 20, 2008


An ancient art form used by the Cumorthians of 800 B.C. Its used by ejaculating in space and using the propulsion to throw the semen at your will.

Would you like to practice cum-bending?

by Doot boi May 22, 2018

33๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bend Dutch

A hand job with the mans hand on the cock, but the other person grabs the wrist and does all the work

I didn't want her touching my junk so I grabbed it and asked for the Bend Dutch

by TobiasBachelor August 20, 2012

bend over

(v) To prepare to get screwed literally or figuratively.

Gas prices are going up again! Bend over, SUV drivers!

by keyshaw May 14, 2004

849๐Ÿ‘ 171๐Ÿ‘Ž

grand bend

A rockin town where all surrounding little towns and cities and even people from far away come to party. The party starts on may 24 and doesnt stop till labour day weekend.

what are you doing this weekend?

going to grand bend man!

aw shit man, you're lucky..im have to stay in zurich..

by grandbend! December 19, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž