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Cutest person ever

Austin H

Girl:babe ur the cutest person ever

Girl:bc ur austin

by November 23, 2020

cutest person ever

Aryana is the cutest person ever

Aryana is the cutest person ever prove me wrong

by TheOrangeoftruth June 22, 2022

Cutest person ever

The cutest person is Rithy of course :D

“Wow rithy is the cutest person ever... can I hold his hand omg”-teddy

by FroggyRibbit April 11, 2021

Cutest person in the world

Bre, duh

Doesn't even need an explanation, bre is the cutest person, and cuter than anything. She is the cutest person in the world

by T-arantula May 5, 2021

cutest person in the world

vee is the cutest in the world. ever. like there is no question we all think it.

person a: yo look its the cutest person in the world!
person b: vee? yeah I saw her she's so cute
person a: the cutest in the world

by Everyone in the whole world February 8, 2021

Cutest Person in the World

Marzia Kjellberg (Bisognin).

"Oh my God! Marzia is literally the cutest person in the world."

by swedesrcute January 5, 2021

the cutest person

Mateo is the cutest person that ever walked this universe.Just a smile and everything lights up. He is also known by his lovely eyes and his sweet sense of humor

Who's the cutest person?
Mateo cutest person.
Mateo is the sweetest boy.

by thatonegirlwhoseasilyfallinl November 24, 2021