1. The series Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, which is a direct sequel of the first Gundam series Mobile Suit Gundam. Zeta Gundam is praised by many gundam fans as the greatest series ever made due to its dark and depressing storyline (which is what a "war" anime should be). The story is about 7 years after the events of Mobile Suit Gundam where the Earth Federation has gone corrupt under the control of an elite group named the "Titans" while a group of rebel forces named the AEUG aka Anit Earth Union Group fights against the Titan's totalitarian rule.
2. MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam: The mobile suit piloted Zeta Gundam's protagonist: Kamille BIdan. It can transform into a plane known as "Waverider mode" to increase its speed
1. "I got so depressed from watching Zeta Gundam."- Zeta gundam fan
2. "You'll never understand, because you think war is just a game. You can't comprehend the power that's flowing through my body! Well...you still wanna fight?"
*transforms into waverider mode*
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An anime that seems controversial amongst Gundam fans.
It deviates from the usual war type shows within the Gundam saga. this show instead, focuses on more of a martial arts-type tournament taking place in the year FC 60.
The Gundams in this show, rather than being controlled in a cockpit like that of a plane, where the pilot is seated, the fighter uses a mobile trace suit to have the gundam mimic its motions.
This show also is a little bit more like stereotypical anime with the sweatdrops and anime falls that I have failed to see in other gundam shows.
However it continues to have the wide diversity of characters. Whether its good or not? I'll leave that up to you
G Gundam was the predecesor of Gundam Wing, Gundam SEED and any other Alternative Universe Gundam Shows.
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One of the oldest known Mobile Suits used during the Calamity War, a war with humanity being at the brink of destruction against Mobile Armors. Mobile Suits were then designed to destroy these armored monsters and of which required people to pilot them. Later developing an artificial (man-made) system, known as the Alaya Vijnana. It was an organic interface system that was developed during the Calamity War as a way to maximize the abilities of Mobile Suits by granting their pilots acute spacial awareness.
Barbatos's pilot is Mikazuki Augus, an orphan of CGS, later becoming Tekkaden (Iron Flower).
Mikazuki, also called "Mika", was later nicknamed "the Devil of Tekkaden" by his enemies, simply because he was always fighting on the front lines.
Not only was Barbatos very strong, it is said that Barbatos defeated a Mobile Armor all by itself.
Gundam Barbatos
In the distant future, Mankind has colonized space with clusters of space colonies at each of the five Earth-Moon Lagrange points, and down on the Earth, the nations have united as the United Earth Sphere Alliance. However, the Alliance oppresses the colonies with its military power. The colonies desire a peaceful resolution to the situation, joining together in a movement headed by the pacifist Heero Yuy. Yuy is shot dead by an assassin, forcing the colonies to search for other paths to peace. The assassination also prompts five disaffected scientists from the Organization of the Zodiac, much more commonly referred to as OZ, to turn rogue after the completion of the mobile suit prototype Tallgeese. It is the year After Colony 195, and war between the Space Colonies and Earth has begun. To give the colonies an edge, they send 5 young soldiers, trained to perfection, to earth in the most powerful of Mobile Suit-Gundams to destroy OZ. With their arrival, the tide of the war changes as they battle against the Earth forces and the Colonies of their origin.
Gundam wing is a 49 episode Gundam series. It aired in the U.S. on Cartoon Network's Toonami in 2000. There is also a movie called Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz.
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This phrase is often used in the Gundam Anime series. A typical grunt will point out the window of his mech and say "Oh no it's a gundam!" and then shortly blow up as a result.
This phrase indicates the massive power of a "Gundam".
"Oh no it's a Gundam!" * BOOOM *
Another acceptible version...
"Oh no it is a Gundam!" * BOOOM *
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The Gundam anime series following the Gundam Seed Destiny Series.
Instead of emulating The Original Gundam series and Z Gundam series which Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED Destiny have done, this one emulates Gundam Wing - because kids seeing it at this point are too young to remember a series that ended in 1996, that giving UC fanboys more reasons to rant.
A: Gundam 00...
b: Gundam Wing did it.
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A mobile suit from the CE timeline of Gundam SEED and continued in Gundam SEED Destiny and piloted by Kira Yamato (aka Jesus Yamato). The Freedom Gundam (Freedom for short) is a nuclear powered, heavy artillery mobile suit consisting primarily of longer ranged weapons, including a beam rifle and two beam cannons. The Freedom is destroyed in combat by Shinn Asuka's Impulse Gundam in episode 34 of SEED Destiny.
Kira: Shit I lost my Freedom Gundam
Me: Don't worry, you'll get a better one within a few episodes.
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