A boring story that one gets hit with out of the blue.
"Watch out for that guy, he'll try to get you with a soaring borey."
When a girl is Spread Eagle on your bed with her ass in the air, you jump and dive your cock into her asshole
Yo, did you guys hear that I did Soaring Eagle with my girl. That hole was tight.
A good guy which sometimes is a bit mysterious creep. However, he can also be a true fat ass bitch. He eats Bia everyday and is as dumb as hell! Most of the people that know him, hate him because he is an ass hole. Including me.
Hey, did you se joão soares? I so want do hit that bitch!
Dude did you see how joão soares ate Bia yesterday?!
João soares loves to suck
A legandary no skin who slays in fortnite
Often seen using just a heavy sniper in combat both close and far
Bro soar legitimacy
Soaring-Eagle <sawr-ing, ee-guh-l> verb, adjective.
1. To become so intoxicated by alcohol that one begins vomiting in senseless locations.
2. Driving one's own vehicle into a stationary object at high speeds while under the influence of alcohol.
2. The state of such intoxication.
1. "Did you hear that he soaring-eagled his Mazda into that tree last weekend?" (As verb)
2. After a few drinks too many, he was so soaring-eagled that he threw up in a washing machine. (As adjective)
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