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v: to stalk, or follow, a stork

n: anyone particularly cool or storklike

(is also the root of many other words such as storkathon, and storker)

wow, saturday will be crazy, we're having a storkathon

"hey, quit storking me, you storker"
"but you're just so storky i can't help myself!!"

by the three storks May 14, 2005

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Pickle Storked

The feeling of being uncontrollably high. Everything around you is majestic and you're too happy to function. The feeling can only be achieved through massive intake of marijuana smoke. Not to be confused with "rackle knocked", pickle storked is a feeling of pure stonedom; It is not achievable when cross-faded.

Man, that was a massive blunt. I am pickle storked.

by stonedasagoat June 13, 2011

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Crouching Stork

When a man is tied up, upside down to a ceiling fan while 4-6 girls gather around his body in a circle formation, kneeling on their knees. One must then turn on the fan, spinning the man and smacking each girl in the face with a hearty boner.

John: Where did you get that bruise?!

Amy: Ugh, Kevin gave us all a nasty Crouching Stork the other day

John: Must have been pretty hearty.

Amy: Yeah

by Sir John Kensington March 6, 2011

mad stork

A sexual predator who finds his way inside your sister, only to finish with her and begin destroying your mom's asshole. He is fast. His dick is massive. And he penetrates like no other.

What happened to your sister? She was leaking everywhere today!

Oh yeah, a mad stork hit up my house the other day. Got my mom, AND my sister.

by Beardo69 January 14, 2015

stork patrol

When one or more human men patrol the streets for the most beautiful stork. When they find said stork, they precede to serenade her.

"I'm hungry for some stork love, let's go on a stork patrol."

by kelsey kablam-o March 27, 2008

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pork and stork

To have sexual relations with a women and leave her fertilized to be visited 9 months later by a stork.

Yo bro I pork and stork dem thots. Gotta run from that child support tho.

by Tired Stork October 23, 2018

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Ritual of the Stork

When 2 parents love each other very much they seclude themselves in a room (normally a bedroom) and perform it in the Tunnel of Life. If the great stork accepts the ritual then in about 9 months a baby will enter the world through the Tunnel of Life.

You only exist because of the Ritual of the Stork.

by African Fertility God November 4, 2013

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