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A white prisoner who knows how to fight, and doesn’t wash his ass.

β€œOh, don’t fuck with Murphy, man. He a Viking.”

by RedBound June 6, 2021


a drug that leaves you completely painfree. you take these things you dont even kno that your leg has just been amputated..by a shark. good tiems with them vikes..

mike sizzutch takes the vikkizutch

by Jenna March 4, 2005

47πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


1. Badass and brutal but honest warriors of the early middle ages, originating mainly from Norway, Sweden and Iceland but also partly from Denmark.
Contrary to popular belief, not a single Viking helmet had horns on it. Also contrary to popular belief, the word "Viking" actually refers to the long and perilous sea travels Vikings would take to conquer new land.

2. An (often stupid) act of courage, bravery or machoness.

1. The Vikings were brutal, dude. Before they burned villages and killed babies, they'd eat a bunch of Fly Agarics to make them fearless.

2. The lake had just thawed up, so we all took the Viking and jumped in without checking the temperature. Matt and John got hypothermia.

by KG420 March 24, 2009

25πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


New slang/street term for: Vicodin.

Usually used by people looking to trade sex for pills.

Also commonly used with the term Molly, as in the pure form of MDMA, or better known as Ecstasy.

A classic example came from a Craigslist post:

Looking for my friend Molly and her Viking friends. We like to hang out in the afternoon, about 40 mins before 5 o'clock. Since I like to party so much I'd like to know who else can come along. Respond and we can go from there.

by RoninDH October 8, 2010

16πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


An extremely large northern european fighting machine, wielding Axe or Sword and at least twice the size of people from other cultures of that era! Vikings were just as much explorers as they were warriors and in fact it was they who discovered America first!

'Northmen' belived to get into Valhalla they must die in glorious battle and would gladly go to war to die!

In Roman times most of the succesful Gladiators were probably from viking and northern bloodlines. !

Arab Trader - Wow who are these beatiful blonde people with big weapons,they are giants better not give them a shit deal abdul!

Viking - Fook deal! We will take it all and your women too! Kill them all!!! and burn the city to the ground!

by Tango169 October 28, 2007

39πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

The Viking

When your lady is just wearing knickers and you (standing) flip her upside down, stick your head in the afore mentioned knickers and chow down. She can also go to town so its fun for everyone.

Spot the dog barked as Tom fliped Jane and did the Viking!

by MurderousYoric March 23, 2009

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A term used to describe something that is just simply so amazing that you can't contain yourself and other descriptive words such as, 'Awesome, Cool, Wicked and Fantastic' just won't cut it.


by Madame Candy November 1, 2010

20πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž