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refers to a period of time or an occasion to drink and enjoy a glass (or bottle) of wine with good friends; a happy-hour. More loosely, it refers to a 24 hour clock in which it is aways time to enjoy some wine.

In other words, it's ALWAYS wine-thirty.

What time is it? It's wine-thirty

What time does the party start? At wine-thirty

In this house, it's always wine-thirty

I just got home from work. It's wine-thirty

by Jersey Shore Darren February 3, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

beer thirty

Time of day (usually late afternoon to early evening) at which drinking a beer becomes necessary.

Hey, looks like its beer thirty, better grab me a cold one

by nihilistic0 March 13, 2004

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Noon Thirty

An easier way to explain it is 30 minutes past noon, rather than it turning into a hour long debate about when it becomes AM and PM

Mike-I came in for work at twelve thirty
Jackass-You guys are still open then?
Mike-Noon Thirty penis breath

by J-reed September 24, 2007

56๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thirty Three

33 = 32 +1, the thirty-two counties of Ireland plus anywhere you find the mob
Used by irish diaspora & irish mob

"Yo you got a dearthair in okie?"
"Aye thirty three"

by Gael Lord December 20, 2017

hour thirty

An hour and a half, but shorter

I'll be ready in an hour thirty, so don't wait up!

by parasitesmoothE July 6, 2020

bacon thirty

(n:) time of day where eating bacon is absolutely necessary, and (n:) a diner dedicated to the pure awesomeness of bacon by specializing in bacon related dishes...oh, and curling

(v:) to wrap something in bacon; to fry or deep fry something; to wrap in bacon and then deep fry

What time is it? Oh its bacon thirty! (fry some bacon) Nom nom nom.

My sandwich is so boring! I know, I should baconthirty it. (wrap it in bacon and deep fry it) Nom nom nom.

by bacon:thirty March 19, 2010

bra thirty

The time during the day at which it is no longer physically possible to wear a bra. Can also be written as bra:thirty, bra 30 or bra:30. Bras are removed for the remainder of the day at bra thirty.

I got home after a long day at work and what do you know? It's bra thirty! Sweatshirt and yoga pants for the rest of the evening!

by becky75 March 22, 2016

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