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Tidy Friday

A term was originally used in the Park Hill South High School cafeteria meaning that the students are to be clean while eating and throw away all of their trash when they are finished so it makes the janitors' jobs easier. It is commonly yelled out with a response shout of "Tidy Friday" by the audience.

Ms. Sharon- "Tidy Friday"
Students- "Tidy Friday"

Remember, today is Tidy Friday. Pick up your mess.

by LonelyDreamer July 27, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

George tidy

A fat ginger pig who molests his dogs and sucks of his dad then eats his mum's booty for food stamps

Get out my house you george tidy before I ask for my food stamps back

by Gay hippo Peter pan August 3, 2018

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tidy deck

The state of one's back (or front) deck, when it has been put together under flawless attention to detail. Used to describe one's deck as spotless, or in the image of perfection. It is also commonly used as a standard term of deck cleanliness, and can be used in a derogatory manner when referring to the quality of which other decks fail to meet. tidy deck is also synonymous with dece deck.

(regarding a freshly built tidy deck)
Client: hey man, did your one make this here deck?
Tidy Decker: indeed i did.
Client: WOW. that's a tidy deck if i've ever seen one! how'd you do it?
Tidy Decker: aw you know, just a bit of dece deck supplies and some dece KB's one and Sawatzky's. nothing too out of the ordinary.
Client: I am well pleased.

(neighbours see the backyard deck of a huldamon)

what a shame. looks lousy. shoulda got a tidy deck.

by straightmate June 22, 2010

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bang tidy

sexy, well fit, marky babes

Keith Lemon: i think you are bang tidy
Katie Price: wot does bang tidy mean?
Keith Lemon: it mean i fink u is well sexy
Katie Price: well thank you keith

by Dominic Lui May 13, 2008

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Man Tidy

A state of order and cleanliness that is barely passable. If your teeth have been brushed for approximately 15 seconds, the front part of your hair has been messily styled, and your shirt has been dragged out of the washing basket and febrezed, consider yourself "man tidy." If your living room has floor debris and unidentifiable matter pushed under the sofa, empty lager cans lined up on the coffee table and a light layer of dust covering every surface, consider it "man tidy." If you're a woman and you keep your affairs in such disorder, then grow some ovaries and pick up a duster.

There are males that walk among us that have shrugged off "man tidy" and all its associated mingingness, yet we shall refer to these individuals as Gods, because they are so very rare and breathtaking.

"Hold on, let me just run in and do a quick spot check. Greg was off work today, so I left him in charge of the housework. It'll probably be man tidy in here"

by MagickDio May 19, 2010

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Bang tidy

Fuck worthy.

She's bang tidy.

by auxinus November 6, 2010

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tidy whities

plain white men's brief underwear; often torn or soiled

I wear dem tidy whities

by Dana2902 October 18, 2007

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