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fishy tissue

Whilst licking a females arse, you lean forward and blow your nose in her vagina releasing snot inside her.

Hey Amber, I have not been well lately can I grab a fishy tissue?

by The cougar hunter January 11, 2016

Tissue Twat

When a chick gets her period unexpectedly and has no other source of protection besides restaurant toliet tissues.

"Fuck I just got my rag and don't have a tampon!"

"Guess you gotta wad it up and go tissue twat till you get home, hahaha"

by Sonny Black Monster June 25, 2012

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Shower Tissue

When you're in a shower and have to blow your nose. You use your index and thumb and replicate the actions of blowing your nose then letting the shower wash the boogers away.

"Man, the other day I Shower Tissued and it flew onto my face!"

by Jeff Aalms August 15, 2008

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Arabian Tissue

Cumming in a tissue and placing it back in the box for someone to put on their face so they look like Jasmine from Aladdin

My grand father came over for dinner last night and I gave the worst arabian tissue and then he came twice

by B-Ball Fro June 1, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

tissue dick

n. What one has when the tissue sticks to one's penis after using tissue on one's penis to clean ejaculate.
n. an insult suggesting the receiver is equivalent to a penis with tissue stuck to it after ejaculating into tissue.

1) I'm not looking to get laid tonight, I have tissue dick and that shit hurts to remove.
2) Just go to the party with us! Dont be such a tissue dick.

by stacked3x August 11, 2009

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Stiff Tissue

When a man ejaculates into a tissue and accidentally leaves the tissue to lay around. When it is found later, it is usually very stiff and not bendable.

Aww man! Steve left a stiff tissue on the bathroom floor!

by Dr. Winston O' Boogie February 20, 2008

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Tissue excreted from the anus. The tissue is almost always wast food product. Used as a synonym for poop and crap by more refined intelligent individuals such as George W. Bush and Napoleon. Can be expelled as partof a classy sex act known as the Hot Carl

Napoleon: Greetings I apologize for my tardiness, it twas unavoidable due to my expulsion of large amounts of fecal tissue.

by Napoleon I Emporer of the French August 13, 2006

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