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The best South London 2 and Chicago Remastered gang

" xXHackerNoobXx: Yo bro we are warring frags tomorrow make sure u hack against them"
" Gorilla445: frags too good"

by bobbleheadbob_ September 21, 2023


girl that is beyond mid

devan: “that girl is a frag”
me: “what’s a frag?”
devan: “it means she’s ugly as hell

by gr33nmachin3 March 26, 2022


An explosive fag; a grenade of faggotry.
Sometimes "fag" just isn't enough.

Ashley: Look at that fag with the coon tails and NeverShoutNever shirt with matching rubber wristband.

Danielle: More like an explosive frag. NeverShoutNever sucks major frag cock.

by Donollo June 20, 2011

11👍 13👎


v. To separate a coral into multiple parts so that you will end up with multiple corals. You can do this by cutting them and attaching them to rocks. This can usually be done with superglue, rubber-bands, or other means.

n. A small piece of a coral that is cut from a larger one.

I just fragged that large toadstool and sold it to a local reefer.

by PEZenfuego April 17, 2009

6👍 7👎


How old people call killing people in games

Old guy: I was fragging

by The Groper September 16, 2006

9👍 11👎


another way to say the F word

Go FRAG yourself. you person.

by gene March 16, 2005

15👍 25👎


....the deliberate assassination or suffocation or retaliation against any person who speaks out on their rights or about government employee abuses, made to look like a policy malfunction or a characterlogical flaw of that person resulting in injury or death to the target or person being fragged..

The women died after years of fragging.

by MsDeeVeeAns March 18, 2008

30👍 65👎