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The act of rubbing toothpaste (mostly of the mint variety) on ones nipples to achieve an opium-like high.

Me - My Dad asked me where all of the toothpaste was this morning.
Friend- Dude he totally knows you have been toothpasting all day!

by weaselandahalf May 7, 2012

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Rubbing toothpaste on one's nipples to get high

Have you been toothpasting?

Dude, I'm so pasted right now

by Ramerez May 13, 2012

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Rubbing toothpaste (usually crest) on your nipples to get a pleasant buzz.
You can use tape (preferably duct-tape) to keep the paste on during the day, and hide it during school
Also known as pasting, on the col, gating, etc.

Jimmy: Hey, have you ever tried toothpasting?
Andy: Yea, Matt introduced me to it a few months ago.
Jimmy: Hah, I saw the idea on 9gag and reddit a few weeks ago.

by jim n. iger May 7, 2012

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the act of putting toothpaste on your nipples to attain a high.

Dude I cant pay attention, im high from toothpasting that im losing my mind.

by ObamasLoveChild May 7, 2012

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The act of applying toothpaste to one's nipples, in order to create a high through the release of opium-like chemicals.

Guy 1: Dude, toothpasting. TRY IT.
Guy 2: No way man, that stuff messes you up.

by The_Guy_Who_Does_Nothing May 7, 2012

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a practice where one smears toothpaste on his or her nipples to achieve a high

I've been toothpasting all day today. No kidding, i'm still feeling high.

by toothpastingeveryday May 7, 2012

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When a certain somebody is apart of the β€˜Toothpaste Gang’.

β€œAye holmes, are you toothpaste amigo?”

by TootpasteG April 7, 2019

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