Source Code

Current Traumatic Stress Disorder

When something really horrible is happening in the moment.

George: Man, this pizza I'm eating is giving me current traumatic stress disorder.

by JustSomePersonWithABanana June 30, 2009

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Post Traumatic Shrek Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a disorder you get from seeing anything having to do with the "Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life" theme

Person 1: Hey have you looked up Shrek is Love on YouTube?
Person 2: Yes regrettably so it gave me PTSD, Post Traumatic Shrek Disorder

by Soulful_Gingee February 21, 2016

post traumatic sex disorder

The after effect of sex so good or awful that you get flashbacks

Good- That girl was a freak she gave me a case of post traumatic sex disorder, I've been rock hard all day!

Bad- I don't want to talk about it she gave me ptsd my dick won't work right for a week and my balls need a lobotomy.

by jjerzey November 20, 2013

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Post traumatic Down syndrome

When some is saying some really dumb shit and you need them to shut up

Guy 1: bro what’s Obama’s last name?

Guy 2: you have post traumatic down syndrome if you don’t remember Obama’s last

by BONDEDFOOL April 22, 2020

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Post Traumatic Social Disorder

Flashbacks of your embarassing behavior last night.

Oh my gosh, I just got a flashback to last night and remembered dancing on the bar ... it's the onset of Post Traumatic Social Disorder.

by comradem01 August 17, 2009

post traumatic status disorder

The sense of anxiety one feels after posting a new status to one's Facebook timeline. Generally induced by the fear the status won't garner enough Likes, won't be seen by the right people, or doesn't properly craft one's image.

Michael suffered from post traumatic status disorder when his photo of dinner at The French Laundry only got 7 Likes.

by Mattfouz October 1, 2013

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Post Traumatic COD Disorder

n. Abbr. PTCD
A serious physical/psychological disorder caused by the attendence, academic pressures, and brutality of the College of Dupage. Affected victims more than likely develop some degree of scolionophobia. Symptoms may include but are not limited to: any form of distress, difficulty breathing, hypertension, irratability, hyperawareness, agitation, panic attacks, elevated pulse rate, insomnia, anxiety, and other serious health risks in the duration and aftermath of first and second semester. These symptoms, while triggered by experiences or passing moments of rememberence, may also occur at random. Fortunately, PTCS usually diminishes within the first 1-2 weeks of summer.

See also: College of Dupage

"Son, your mother and I couldn't help but notice you're not yourself, your grades are steadily declining, you're not sleeping, you're easily angered, I've never seen you so stressed in my life."

"Dad, I think I have Post Traumatic COD Disorder."

by COD Prisoner May 14, 2009

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