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the triplets of belleville

the greatest movie of all time! It is so funny.


by dan July 22, 2004

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evil triplet

The nasty or evil counterparts to twins, especially identical twins.

Greg: Wow, that girl looks exactly like the Wier twins.

Chris: She must be their evil triplet

by brown_ct May 9, 2010

zona triplets

gay. has a big ass forehead and a big bbc i would smash. there big sexy. and

ally v likes the zona triplets a lot

by peendogman May 28, 2019


Also known as a threesome, bi-triplet is a case where two people of the same gender, and one of the opposite, all get together to have a bit of orgasmic fun.

What would you think about being a bi-triplet this friday with my friend, Stephanie?

by free-lovin February 17, 2010

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Eskimo Triplets

When three guys, typically friends, knowingly have sexual relations with the same female at separate times.

Dude you had sex with Jen too??, so did Bob and Bill, you guys are Eskimo Triplets!!

by MotorboatnMoose August 28, 2010

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irish triplets

Three children born of a mother one right after another. A very derogatory term, the slur was actually a triple-whammy, implying that the Irish were more likely to bear children in quick succession because of the Catholic Church's proscription of birth control, less likely to restrain themselves from procreating, and unable to understand the proper meaning of the terms "twins" and "triplets."

While I can never call myself a triplet mom, I had three kids in a row and refer to them as Irish Triplets.

by Mary Haddalam March 28, 2007

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wonder triplets

A trio of blatantly homosexual jokesters who create flagrantly false and shallow characters out of themselves becuase they, indeed, lack true character, and thus combine to make one offensive group of lackeys with no apparent direction in life. They are also joined at the hips. think about it...

S1: Hey I'm Irish, so FUCK gays!
S2: Yeah, those queers! Lets send them to consentration camps with Rosey O'Donnell.
B: SIR....SIR...sir...

by CrAP February 20, 2005

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