The human of “Mr Steal Your Bitch” and a person who does not fuck with “Broke Bois”
When I grow up I wanna be Papi Ca$tro
Short for " There's Rice on my Fry ".
A random exclaimation of disgust, when no other phrase is suitable.
"My life sucks, TRO my F!"
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A common "ebonic" colloquialism typically utilized by Caucasian teenagers to suggest that they intend to engage into a bout of fisticuffs. It may also be used in jest to mock the colloquialism itself. When used in jest, the expression is often accompanied by throwing one's arms in the air as though he is halfway through a pull up.
"How dare you speak negatively of my Mercedes-Benzzzz! Let's Tro' Dem Bowz!"
"Ayo Patty P! I have very good job skills. I can build pyramids of golf balls and I can Tro' Dem Bowz(hands go up in the air as though halfway through a pull up)"
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Tro’s bird Steph has a big heart that will always be his 👌🏻
a "bootleg" controller to any gaming console. Comes from the word controller.
A controller for an x-box that was not made by microsoft, but by a 3rd party company, such as madkatz.
"Hey man, pass me that tro'."