Being late to class because your taking a shit
Why were you late?
I was doing a twiggers
Twigger is a very nice and not rude way to talk about a Twink that is a slave, also known as a Twegro. There are two common types of Twiggers, the field Twigger and the house Twigger. The term has become mostly unused, due to the emancipation of Twegroes in the year of 1997 B.C.E, due to the work of one Baberaham Lincoln. Call your friends Twiggers today!
Them Twiggers over yonder's escapin'! Shoot those running Twegroes!
Another word for tweaker, usually used when the person is skinny due to meth making them as skinny as a twig.
You fuckin twigger.
"What's he doin'?" "Twiggin around."
A black person who is a tweaker
Bob: That black guy is all hopped up on drugs
Alicia: Ya hes a twigger
Bob: oh I get it
Twigger is a variation of the slang "Wigger," which is a white person trying to act all "Nigger" and "Gangsta" to his/her friends to gain street cred. A Twigger is a white person trying to act all "Nigger" and "Gangsta" to his/her friends on Twitter to gain street cred in the virtual world.
Example: Whitie #1: What is up with your little sister acting like a Wigger all the time?
Whitie #2: She thinks it makes her look cool and hip.
Whitie #1: She is going to get her ass whipped one day acting like that in public all the time.....
Whitie #2: She knows that..... so now she just acts like a Twigger on Twitter.
A combination of the words tweeker and wigger— a racist meth addict
Everyone thought he was a twigger, but he only liked drinking coke, and was actually the least racist person in the room.
a person who finds really skinny people attractive; the opposite of a chubby chaser
Ew she only dates really scrawny guys what a twigger.