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Twin Towers II

What SHOULD be built at the World Trade Center site in New York City.

Twin Towers II is a collaboration between architects Ken Gardner and Herbert Belton (deceased November 29, 2005, RIP) that returns the Twin Towers to the New York skyline in a thoughtful manner. Standing at 115 stories each (which is an increase of 5 floors from the original), the towers are designed stronger, and thicker. The proposed monument to accompany Twin Towers II puts the current plan, otherwise known as the "Reflecting Absence" to shame. Instead of being below ground like Reflecting Absence, the memorial of Twin Towers II is above ground, set in the footprints of the original Twin Towers. The footprints of the original towers are flanked by pieces of the skeleton of the originals, leaving no doubt as to what happened on 9/11.

The plan has wide support among New Yorkers and Americans alike, most notably, when Donald Trump announced his support for the plan in May of 2005.The chances of this project coming to fruition, and overriding the TERRIBLE Freedom Tower design are quite good.

See the proposal at http://www.triroc.com/wtc

I'd rather die than see the Freedom Tower get built in Manhattan!

Twin Towers II is a much better solution!

by Cantor Fitzgerald February 16, 2006

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twin towers

1/ not to be confused with "twain towers", a research institute dedicated to the study of the life and times of Huckleberry Finn

2/ Also not to be confused with the string superstore located in new hampshire see Twine Towers

3/ Not to be confused with the second Lord of the Rings movie see overhyped shit

4/ Formerly the worlds tallest building, now renowned as being the most expensive hole in the ground ever created.

5/ an example of how NOT to land an aircraft (unless you hate americans) see rest of the world

"aim for the one on the left mohammed, don't worry if you miss, there are two of them"

"excuse me sir, do you have a copy of Microsoft flight simulator with the Twin towers in, dont worry about the landing, i just need to know how to take off."

"excuse me maam, do you know the way to Twine towers? I need a new shoelace. for my shoe-bomb"

by Phil k May 4, 2005

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NYC Twin Towers

There are 2 unified amazing towers in New York City, USA. They were fucking blown up by these bitch ass planes from the arab shit place on 9/11/2001. these bitches really brough over like 4+ fuckin hijacked type shit GTA style planes and decides to hit towers with them. Like bros were playing last one standing wins. stupid arab

Damn those bitches played gta irl with those nyc twin towers

by crossed-yo-ankeles-bro69696969 October 27, 2022

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Twin Towers (sexual)

You would need 4 People, 2 male, 2 female.

The females will 69, while the males are both going in from behind.

The Males must look into each others eyes, and high five.

For extra fun bring in 2 more people and have them run into you and tip you over.

"DUDE did you hear!? Last night Ryan and Jeff we're Eiffel Towering these two chicks." -Man 1
"Thats called the Twin towers (sexual) NOT the Eiffel Tower, There we're 2 chicks!"- Man 2
man 1- "ohh my mistake, now I understand when they said 2 other people tackled them"

by AjaxLarson April 25, 2011

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Twin Tower Power

A very sacred ritual, performed by Arabian suicide bombers that has been around since September 11th 2001. This is when you are accidentally boning a baddie whiles she screams to Allah in the back of a Benz. When your cock accidentally slips out of the pussy, causing it to curve into the Portuguese chocolate crack of the ass, also known as the two towers. Simultaneously, she screams Allah Akbar to indicate that the ritual has been completed. Also I hate niggas.

"Yo this bitch was screaming Allah Akbar when I gave her the Twin Tower Power last night, my NIGGA."
"Mrs. Bowen is looking at me like she wants me to give her some Twin Tower Power ,my NIGGA!"
"Mark Gallagher said 'good girl,' wanting to insert some Twin Tower Power onto some underage females, my NIGGA!"
"Bubby's big delicious Longaniza rested on my skin. Bless Allah I am about to receive some Twin Tower Power, from an actual NIGGA. Oh I almost forgot, my NIGGA!"
"Oscar Rodriguez performed a Twin Tower Power while singing the Friday song. Ummm, he was fucking an underage 7th grader. Also, my NIGGA!"

by Cumlicker9000 February 13, 2023

twin towers

means big ugly two front teeth

hi twin towers

by ag1dabest May 18, 2009

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Twin Towers II project

This plan, which was rejected by the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, had it's seed planting ceremony at 166 Jefferson Street on August 12, 2013 in the Lighthouse Christian Church in Perth Amboy NJ. That presentational announcement was taped and will be available on the official web site, www.TwinTowersII.com in the coming months. There are several sites being vetted, where this project is to be placed. Jersey City is just one of the areas being considered. The owners of Twin Towers II Development LLC, will be announcing a site to be used soon. The plan calls for, and will only use American made materials in it's construction, with the exception of technological equipment and items for use in security, fire suppression and prevention which may come from Israel.
The plan will have it's main focus on healing America, getting Her back to Her Spiritual roots, redefining Her direction as a World leader by setting an example in a better way than She did in the past, having learned from Her mistakes. The buildings will be a World Communication Center, encouraging peace and truth in these troubling times.

The Twin Towers II project is a focal point, that Americans will be very proud of, as the world watches them being built for the Glory of God.

by MrWendell April 21, 2015