Unbelievable: when an occurrence or an idea just does not make any sense. For example: People live at the lowest poverty level because they want to, unbelieveable.
Facebook has an unbelievable attitude towards people's personal information.
That WAS AN Unbelievable Shat YOU DID ON MY TOILET!
To want to freak someone until they cannot believe they’re being freaked
That is so freakin’ unbelievable!
The result of a dumb person putting an extra E in the word "Unbelievable". This can come from careless typing, overall stupidity, or possibly a bad translation. But, some people may look this up on purpose. If you did, I don't know what to say to you.
Guy π: Unbelieveable
Guy ω: Stupid idiot, you misspelled "Unbelievable".
Anyone subject to burning in Hell
I’m far from an unbeliever: I believe in Christ.