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Gohan, not helpful, weakling

Why are you such a gohan. Stop being useless

by Azel4272 June 20, 2019

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Adj. Type of information carried around inside a man's head that he thinks is a mark of intelligence when in fact it is idiotic trivia. Ironically, in many cases everyone already knows the fact, or it is wrong.

Sally: Do you like my tan this summer?
Tim: Sure. Did you know that the mask in the movie "Halloween" was a Captain Kirk mask painted white?
Sally: Yes dear. Everyone knows that.
Tim: Well, did you know that the red dot on the 7-Up can represents the inventor's eye? He was an albino.
Sally: You are an idiot. Stop using such uselessful information.

by oso31 November 4, 2008

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A bad brawl stars player

S|mplex is a bad braw stars player so heโ€™s useless

by Blaze6 October 19, 2020


Something that Aqua is.

Instead of helping Kazuma with anything, Aqua has only been a detriment. That's useless Goddess!

by Person1234673 June 13, 2020

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where a person has been assigned one job, one FREKEN JOB, and could not execute that job.

Mahima had one job to rock up to the breakfast today morning, but slept in, SO USELESS!!!!


by The Big man from AOSC September 22, 2017


The definition of useless is Connor, Emily,George, your nan and thatโ€™s it.

In a sentence;
โ€œAww how come your so useless nan?

by Jokingjoker1877 December 7, 2019


Dave Emory

Your such a useless cunt

by Muhumid March 2, 2022