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A giant and somewhat masculine woman.

"Damn girl. That Serena William is such a Vagiant!"

by howdycady March 28, 2010


A combination of an asshole and a pussy

John sure was a vagiant at the party when he didn't share his beer.

My boss is a vagiant cuz he thinks he's so cool.

by RedWoman March 7, 2010


1. A giant vagina
2. A powerful or brave woman
3. A fearful individual

1. Her vagiant had an echo!

2. She called her boss a lier? She must have a vigiant between her legs.
3. Just ask her out man, stop being such a vagiant!

by Shelbot November 7, 2011


Something large and yonic.

"Wow, Emma, your taco is vagiant."
"Thanks, Sweet Iain, I stuffed it full of meat and cheese. It is delicious."

by Isanand February 8, 2015


Noun. A person who possesses the qualities of a vagina in an extreme manner. Someone who is acting like such a large douche in an unnecessary fashion that they are, in fact, a vagiant in all social aspects. Not to be confused with a woman who has a huge vagina.

It is recommended that one should stay away from a person who is acting like a vagiant. They may scare away all others in the area who do not support the actions of said vagiant.

I cant stand her, she is a raging Vagiant!
Get Outta ma face ya VAGIANT!
Stop being a Vagiant!
That homosexual was being an obnoxious Vagiant last night when he was screaming at the dirty lesbian for touching his penis.

by Be Sol February 26, 2011


A big pussy

Dude you're being a vagiant

by Kabloowie January 29, 2016


The new word is vagiant is giant and vagina in one. It's what u call a big pussy, a bitch with a big pussy, or a stubborn scared person.

Stop being such a vagiant and get back to work.

by shaggy2112 March 13, 2018