A verb covertly referring to the search for gold or gay sex with your buddies.
"You guys wanna grab some sodas and wang chung by the ol' swimming hole tonight?"
"I'm about to wang chung in these there hills all night long!"
Newest internet challenge where naked men run through town, trying to hit, or Chung, people with their penis, or Wang.
Mark: everyone get naked, time to Wang Chung tonight
Billy: Our video is sure to go viral.
Joe: What'd you do?
Jim: A bunch of us decided to Wang Chung thru town.
Bob: What's Wang Chung?
Larry: That’s where you get naked and run through town trying to hit someone with your wang.
Anyone want to Wang Chung tonight?
No way, it's too cold.
Reporter: “Sir. Can you tell me where the Wang Chung is?”
Guy: “Nah nigga I ain’t got a single clue 💀”