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Confederate Battle Flag Waver

Just some guy trying to show his love for the south, or soldiers that died in the Civil War give them a break jeez


Person B: *inhales*

by darty.person April 28, 2021

1👍 2👎

weekend waver

The weekend waver was one who was an average teen or twenty-something during the very early 80s who would punch up their mundane hair with goop and spray color to look "punk" or "new wave" at punk bars on the weekend. Often spotted in parachute pants and a Police t-shirt.

Who are those weekend wavers?

by Spreggy May 24, 2019


A female counterpart to a male bitch (someone that whines/gripes whenever they don't get the attention/respect/validation they feel they deserve/are owed, and usually starts to push, walk over, call names, talk shit, or try to intimidate people/act like a badass towards they deem more passive than themselves until they get some kind of reaction, attention, acknowledgement, anything that says to them that they are more important than the person giving them the attention, validation, respect, or anything else they are getting).

By ignoring the waver and even her death threats about how walking away could save their lives (a strange way to threaten somebody), people were letting her know that they were really rejecting her and anybody like her that had to walk over people to get respected/paid attention to/validated as relevant.

by The Original Agahnim December 29, 2022


A female (she might claim to be a be a feminist or liberator of females) that doesn't really respect the opposite sex (just claims to respect anybody where she sees an oppurtunity to gain something for it) and tries to walk over just about anybody in her path to power. The female version of a bitch (the male version of a waver, one who walks over most people and says he isn't threatened by the opposite sex as a way to try and walk over people, a means to an end).

To be as fair as possible, since males aren't the only ones that don't respect the opposite sex, we'll just call the female version of a male bitch a waver to keep her from getting the satisfaction that would go with being called and bitch.

by The Original Agahnim December 14, 2021


A female version of what would be called a bitch if it (he) was a male. Someone that all of a sudden seems like a more popular/tougher imaged (almost like they magically transformed, or worked their "magic") person when a bunch of people are crowded around them.

The wavers were rolling 39 deep (like rabbits in the spring time) in the back of the pickup truck, waving at people they secretly wanted to fight while those people wondered what they were waving at and why they didn't just hop out the bed of the truck without hesitation at 39 deep since you couldn't be civil with them anyway without getting treated like a man child, a soft assed punk, an idiot, a retard, or a passive pussy (walked all over). Why were they still pretending to be such fun, colorful, exciting, free spirited (it was their treat to make fun of people, as with any other bully you've ever met) people if they had no reputation to uphold?

by The Original Agahnim January 23, 2022


A female version of a male bitch. Someone that gets much tougher when a bunch of people are around (like a crowd).

The wavers were rolling 39 deep (like rabbits in springtime) in the back of the truck waving at people they secretly wanted to fight while the people they were waving at wondered what they were waving at and why they didn't just hop out the bed of the truck without hesitation at 39 deep, since the people they were waving at couldn't be civil with them (without getting treated like a man child, idiot, or retard) anyway.

by The Original Agahnim January 23, 2022


A female shallow pusher, a female version of a bitch (a male pusher).

The waver was one of many, since wavers were rolling as deep as bitches these days (and not as different, colorful, or remarkable as they claimed to be).

by The Original Agahnim November 30, 2021