Source Code

What Would Valve Do?

"What Would VALVe Do?" is a rhetorical question that one asks a video game company. It questions whether or not a course of action that a video game company is or will be taking is something that VALVe - a popular video game company that many gamers believe does everything right - would do.
WWVD is usually a chastising remark, meant to rebuke a company for a bad decision.

Come on, Capcom. You took the horror out of Resident Evil 5 and put in just pure action. I mean, What Would Valve Do?

Why do we have to pay so much for DLC? Why not include it in the game, or as a free update? What Would Valve Do?

by Cossack 69 April 5, 2009

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

What Aren't I Doing?

The disarming response to the such questions as, "what are you doing?", "what are you talking about?, and "what is your problem?", substituting some words in your response to fit the question. It is a more polite way to tell that guy in english to fuck off. In order to be used correctly, you must say it the moment the question you are being asked ends. Usually starting with who, what, when, where, why or how, containing one of the contractions hasn't, aren't, won't, shouldn't, or wasn't, and containing a verb. Using it is an automatic +20 pts.

1) - U.S.A.: "who else have you bombed, afghanistan?"

- Afghanistan: "who haven't i bombed?"

2) -Jim: "God dammit, who here else has fucked my girlfriend?"
-Dan: "Honestly Jim, who hasn't fucked your girlfriend?

3)-Man 1: "What are you doing?"

-Man 2, interjecting: "I think the correct question would be what aren't i doing?

by Mr. Yell-O March 3, 2010

20πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

what are you doing Naruto

A term used by Hinata Huga exactly nine months before naruto was born

what are you doing Naruto - kun (roundabout starts playing)

by Vector X3 November 9, 2020

what you gon do

what are you gonna do about it

what you gon do if i mess yo face up

by slang banga July 8, 2006

29πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Dude what are you doing?

A Philism most often used in blatantly obvious situations.

Phil: Dude what are you doing? (Said to man sitting on toilet conducting the butt orchestra)
Mistral: WTF I’m giving birth to a brown baby boy what’s it sound like?

by Hooter Hunter August 25, 2004

19πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

What should I do?

What a person says when they embarrassed themselves on a national scale, and are too vain to actually say "I'm sorry".

That guy who said "What should I do?" knows that he made an ass of himself...

by larryj November 7, 2010

27πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

What would Kony do?

The opposite of "What would Jesus do?"

My girlfriend cheated on me. It is times like these that I wonder, what would Kony do?

by DutchAmerican69 May 16, 2012