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1. When a man is controlled and/or dominated by his girlfriend.

The man is not allowed to do anything with his friends or that his girlfriend doesn't allow.

This man is whipped if he ceased doing certain activities because his girlfriend doesn't allow it or threatens a breakup.

Arianne: Naveed knows the consequences if he did that..

Richie: Wow you have your finger wrapped around him

Michael: Some might say on a leash..

Chris: Now we're getting into the fact, not opinion, that Naveed is whipped

by McCluskey904 March 11, 2010

65๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

the whip


my man just got a new whip.

by shan-da-man July 1, 2003

194๐Ÿ‘ 107๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a man is controlled by his girlfriend...almost entirely. To the point of embarresment when his friends tell him that his girlfriend has got him whipped.

Cam is totally whipped but not as bad as Swain.

by Ahh May 2, 2005

3010๐Ÿ‘ 1923๐Ÿ‘Ž


Having Your Girlfriend keep your testicles at her house so you can only see them when you hang out with her. Also Bailing on people for the purpose of looking at your testicles

Jake: Im gonna go to justins house
Vanessa: JAKE! (Cracking of the Whip)
Jake: Ok ill go bail on justin
Vanessa: Alright Jake thats the way to be Whipped

by Ascruzer October 15, 2008

698๐Ÿ‘ 429๐Ÿ‘Ž


Doing every thing that your girlfriend says and ditching your real friends for her, being a little bitch, answering to the crack of the voice, Ray and Schaub

Ray Freund w/ Fran Schaub w/ Arianna

by Kent Eikey April 29, 2005

1631๐Ÿ‘ 1060๐Ÿ‘Ž


Best example: lexa from the100

Lexa so whipped it ain't even funny anymore xD

by Clexafan February 28, 2016


Comes in two forms
A: A man who does whatever his Girlfriend or wife tells him because she has one of 3 things, His balls in a trophy case, a Full Pussy blockade, or wants something done
B: A man who does what his girlfriend or wife says because he doesn't give a rats ass and its less he has to think about, this form of whipped involves lots of pussy, and are the happiest people on the planet

Whipped A
Joe's whipped dude, his GF has him cut off form pussy
Whipped B
Guy 1:Adam just does what she tells him to do, hes not whipped hes just happy
Guy2:wtf happened Adam
Adam: I just don't care, i do this i get sex, i watch TV, eat dinner, have sex, watch TV, have sex with TV, have sex wake up get more sex, i don't have to think about anything

by GW_Watchman November 1, 2009

41๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž