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Owen Irving

Someone who is Cringe

I would have though that kid was Owen Irving, because he was cringe

by CanalKidSilva81 December 6, 2022


Pulls unlimited bitches

You’re an Irving

by Bibby1456 June 14, 2022


A nigga who truly are that no matter what other punk ass niggas say.

Person 1 " dang, I herd Irving was getting cancelled on Twitter"

Person 2 " na, he ate that shit"
Person 1" but-"
Person 2" How Many fucking times imma have to tell you this boy! Irving are that shit you understand?!"

by Red Harvest December 31, 2022


A nigga who truly are that no matter what other punk ass niggas say.

Person 1 " dang, I herd Irving was getting cancelled on Twitter"

Person 2 " na, he ate that shit"
Person 1" but-"
Person 2" How Many fucking times imma have to tell you this boy! Irving ate that shit you understand?!"

by Red Harvest December 31, 2022


Someone who ate that

Definition:Irving, a person who "ate that no matter what.

"Dang, I saw Irving getting cancelled on Twitter"
" Na nigga, he ate that shit"
" Shush, he ate that"

by Red Harvest December 31, 2022


The name of someone whose sometimes a buster but always a lame. This name is common in San Diego. Especially, in the Logan Heights Community.

Mikey: “ I’m gone kill that lame ass buster, Irving.”

Marco: “That foo always owes somebody they money.”

by NotaLameorBuster October 29, 2021


A really kind and caring guy. He will always be there for you no matter what. He is super sweet and will make your heart explode out of your chest. He is cute and very hard working he is the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. Normally mean to others but when he is around you or someone special to him he becomes like a sweet and soft teddy bear. Once you get attached to him he will never let you go and he is absolutely perfect with not one flaw. He has his tough times and his happy times but he will still try his best to become the best version of himself.

He's so cute!
Oh, he must be and Irving.

by CChicckennugget January 20, 2022