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swinging your penis around in a circular motion.

Janaszak: "Coxy what are ya doin in there?"
Cox: "Shut up Janny I'm doin the Windmill! You're welcome to join."
Janaszak: "Be right with ya"

by Ralph Cox and Steve Janaszak March 27, 2014

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A style of headbanging in which a metalhead swings his head in a clockwise circle in time to a metal song, causing his hair to fully extend and swing like a pendulum.

Invented by vikings, made popular by Amon Amarth, and exploited by Suicide Silence.

Inexperienced headbangers may find it hard to keep their heads up after a night of windmilling.

Example 1:

Scene kid: So I hear that you windmill too! *begins hardcore dancing*

Metalhead: Fuck your shit. *whips up tornado with hair*

Example 2:

Metalhead 1: That Amon Amarth concert was fucking awesome.

Metalhead 2: Hell yeah, but my neck hurts from windmilling too hard.

Metalhead 1: Pussy.

by edgefag May 20, 2011

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Verb; To whirl one's outstretched arms around in a circular motion, fists clenched, with the intention of hitting something (or someone). This action resembles the spinning blades of a windmill.

Often used in conversation to demonstrate an anger towards a specific subject or entity.

Nick: I heard that John slept with your bird last night!
Tim: Right, I'm off windmilling....

by WatchOutCosBeadlesAbout September 2, 2009

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the windmill

while doing a girl from behind you swing your arms around like a windmill and then smack firmly on the ass

"i just gave your mom the windmill and it was the most glorious windmill in all the land"

by G-rey September 11, 2006

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The Windmill

When you are wearing tighty whitey underwear, and the crotch piece rolls up and becomes twisted so that your penis is hanging on one side and your balls on the other. Similar to a jean jam.

My tighty whiteys got me doing the windmill.

by Clive Jones Jr. October 16, 2015

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The art of quickly doing a windmill like motion with your arm, going into your pants and concealing your boner into your waistband, as to not draw attention to your crotchal region.

When that black chick with the phat booty walked by I had to do the windmill so the old lady next to me wouldn't get scared of my epic bonar.

by Tyrant slaughter November 7, 2011

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When you fart in front of a fan and the moving air blows the stench in someones face

Damnit Janet, seriously, you just windmilled me, that smell is awful!

by Victim of Wind Milled July 14, 2014

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