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Withering Willow

A women who is infertile, or unable to have children, and is very depressed about it.

After that check-up, Jane has been a withering willow.

by CreepX1_ February 3, 2021

sticky withers

Post-fap regret.

After I watched that octopus girl hentai, I came down with a serious case of the sticky withers.

by Tniuqonhcetsquirt July 28, 2017

The Wither King

A larger than normal wither that also has tentacles.

Was once a human, but due to unfortunate circumstances, is now a powerful creature.
has always been a gigachad

hey... why hasn't the wither king appeared in the rift dimension at all?

by 76MC June 24, 2023

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withering heights

phrasal noun. Used to describe men who are so horribly afraid of heights that their penis withers.

I went with my brother to go bungee jumping but I just couldn't do it. I had a mad case of withering heights.

by CamilleMec November 8, 2007

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Withering Soul

Paranormal Black Metal band from Chicago, IL. The Originators of Paranormal Black Metal. Symphonic goth stylings mixed with raw black metal making them capable of playing with anything from goth to death to black metal.

Withering Soul is playing with Finntroll Aug. 30th.

by Tim Anders (band manager) June 13, 2008

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wither gaming

Wither gaming is a gnarly mlg utuber and he has like 3k subs and pewds be jelly. He likes doritos and mountain dew.

Wither gaming = dope utuber with 3k subs bro.

by @OMGitzWitherG May 18, 2016

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old man withers

1. Old Man Withers was the owner of the haunted amusement park in the moive "Wayne's World." If you watch the movie carefully he appears at the beginning as well as the end. He is eating donunts at the bar and Wayne asks, "How is the amusement park going Mr. Withers?" We don't see him again until the end of the movie during the Scooby Doo ending sequence.

2. A humorous name given to old people you dont know

"Look at that Old Man Withers over there at the counter, he can stand."

"Oh my god, its Old Man Withers from the Haunted amusement park!"

by old man withers November 11, 2006

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