Source Code

Four X x

This is meaning the ship between four and X for the object show BFB

Four X x"ngl four and X is hot"

Me: "your weird"

by IM-AN-IDIOT March 16, 2023

2👍 1👎


x%x meaning is in the head

guy 1 hey what you doing guy 2 nothing x%x

by <M_M> December 8, 2020


Her best friend is txe._.bxngtang.

Person1: yay, x..cvddl3s_bvddy..x added me back on tiktok! We're besties now. Person 2:nope. Txe._.bxngtang is her best friend.

by By .s3np4i.._ on tiktok :3 December 20, 2020


My favorite Fanpage. The owner is really nice. I met her before. She loves kpop and Kdramas/

x._mochilicious_.x is my favorite kpop fanpage.

by Kpop fanpages April 17, 2021

X^ and ^X or ^^^

X refers to the sentence/context of the message you're replying to. (^) the direction of this symbol, will determend the direction of the message you're replying to. X^ means one message up to the right (usually your own message). ^^^^^X means 5 messages up to the left. This symbol can be displayed on it's own, usually this means that the person just wants you to look at this message, but it depends on the context of course.

X can be used in capital or not, you often don't even use X on It's own, but it can be used for directions if you don't have a/any sentence/context.

X^ and ^X or ^^^ are mostly used in chats for practical reasons:

I'm fine
Are you fine?


(This conversation points to that you have all ready said that you're fine and you don't want to waste time on writing it again).

by X for chat (David) March 2, 2018

*X and X* typo corrections

X is the word/words that is correct, (*) is pointing to the direction the typo was written/made.

*X and X* typo corrections are often used it chats or places were grammar corrections are limited:

Are you coming to the café?


Yes it was!

by X for chat (David) March 2, 2018

Saturn x Juno x Darling

the best ship out there/srs

did you know AMONGUS the best ship is Saturn x Juno x Darling

by heyshartylipbite April 28, 2021