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Imma hit you up

You're never going to hear from me ever again.

Don't worry gurl, imma hit you up.

by brildo4 September 16, 2013

23๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

I'm gonna hit you

A phrase used way too much by a girl named brooklynn

Shut up!! I'm gonna hit you

by I'm gonna hit you February 12, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

I hope you get hit by a train

A term used when someone strongly disagrees with something someone else has said

Person 1: Hey, why kind of music do you like?
Person 2: Mostly AJR, how about you?
Person 1: I hope you get hit by a train

by John_69 August 28, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

If you don't hit that damn final, someone else will

As we live our lives, we study, make friends, hit finals, fall in love, run the table, strive for greatness, and just enjoy life's ride. We may learn many facts in life, but if we can take just one important fact from life it would be:

"If you don't hit that damn final, someone else will!"

There's no saying in life that has more truth to it. You can't argue with this great fact of life hence why it is becoming one of the most famous friggin' sayings in our world today.

Here's what it all boils down to idiots. "If you don't hit that damn final, someone else will" is very simple. If we were to put it on the friggin' scale of simplicity, i'd say it's a 9.872. Just think in your mind If I don't hit that damn final, someone else will. Meaning, If I can't hit that damn final, and i'm relying on my partner to hit the damn final, but their relying on me to hit the damn final, then neither of us is gunna hit the damn final and we're gunna lose the friggin' game. It's that friggin simple morons, ya know.

P.s. The DAMN is a vital part of the famous saying!

by S Santang October 29, 2009

22๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

you gon lemme hit?

the definition of"you gon lemme hit?" is basically just asking a girl if they are going to let you f#ck....

Gio: "Hey Jaz, lemme ask you ah question."
Jaz: "What?"
Gio: ....."You gon lemme hit?"

by GXD_Goku October 12, 2022

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Don't let the door hit you on the ass

This means the same thing as, "Beat it," or, "Get the hell outta here," or, "Yeah, the door is this way, pal."

When Wayne's job interview was going poorly and he had a fight with the interviewer, the interviewer kindly asked him to leave by saying, "Yeah, Don't let the door hit you on the ass, buddy."

by Billthrill1 April 15, 2007

93๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

God really hit you with that Wombo Combo

Something someone says to another person when that they find out that the other person has depression and anxiety. While not limited to just depression and anxiety, and can be used using two other illnesses or events, it is most early use was used in reference to depression and anxiety.

Usually used in reference to 14 year old girls when they get a bad grade on a math test, and automatically think they are depressed.

Originally coined by Benny Zonic in January of 2019

Person 1: Yeah I have depression and anxiety. It really sucks.
Person 2: Damn, God really hit you with that wombo combo.

Person 1: Ugh, I got a bad grade of my Chemistry test, and I got a ticket for speeding. Shit sucks
Person 2: Damn, God really hit you with that wombo combo, huh.

by madebyapollo April 1, 2019

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž