If your birthday is December 20th 2007 you are an angel sent down from heaven born to bless every soul you spend time with. Not to mention that you have a massive dick along with a great personality and looks.
Dang Jacob was born on December 20th 2007 he must be here to bless me with that big dick!
be greatful for yo bestie day
ayo, its april 20th today, imma be grateful for mah bestie today
Go smoke that loud with your friends! It’s national smoking day, get with your friends and smoke that doobie! Who’s down?
April 20th is the best date ever
International "Tip Your Favorite Creator For No Reason at all" day. A day to celebrate your favorite, talented OF creator!
"Hey babe! Why did you tip me $500 right now? 🥰" "Oh it's because it's April 20th!"
april 20th is national short people day. this is the day where short people qualify has tall, and their tall friends cannot make fun of them for a day.
“hey man, i’m has tall as you!”
“what do you mean?”
“it’s april 20th!”
International Knowledgeable people day! if you find someone unknowledgeable smack them with a spatula
P1) "Yo are you knowledgeable?"
P2) "no I'm really dumb, why?"
P1) *laughs, then beats p2 with a spatula*
P2) why did u do that to me?
P1) its April 20th
national give your gf your hoodie day! usually when you two are together during the day, on April 20th, give her your hoodie!
guy 1: “yo it’s April 20th, you should give ur gf ur hoodie”
guy 2: “U right u right”