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december 7th

where jake gets to do whatever he wants to his girlfriend, no matter the age

“What day is it” “december 7th bro” “let’s go”

by thepersonthatdoesdates December 6, 2020

december 7th

where jake gets to do whatever he wants to his girlfriend, no matter the age

“What day is it” “december 7th bro” “let’s go”

by thepersonthatdoesdates December 6, 2020

December 7th

Glaze Nana day

A whole day dedicated to glazing nana.

"Damn it's December 7th, time to glaze Nana!"

by somethingabouturmind December 8, 2024

December 7th

National Ignore bf/gf day

A day where you don’t talk to your bf/gf all day no matter what, only text if it’s an emergency

Do not talk to your gf/bf on December 7th

by Hhhhhhhfgjgigv December 6, 2020

December 7th

National Bunny Day
Give lots of love to your favorite bunnies on this day, they deserve it most on this special day

Person 1: Hey dude, what's today?
Person 2: December 7th, why?
Person 1: I learned recently that today is National Bunny Day!
Person 2: Wait really?! Awesome!!

by floofy neko cutie April 16, 2021

December 7th

National Clown Day

This day is in commemoration of the After fans who have been clowns since the beginning. Thanks to user aftermovie on Twitter.

Stranger: Do you know December 7th is National Clown Day?

After Fan: OMG that is so cool!

Stranger: Yeah! And it's dedicated to you guys.

After Fan: Bruh, I feel so honored!!

by After Bitch October 15, 2019

December 7th

National give your boyfriend chocolate day!

On december 7th Give ur boyfriend his favorite chocolate

by niallisourcaptain December 7, 2020