Use: #narniaaf
Acronym for Narnia as fuck.
1. A space that feel magical when you enter it.
2. Landscape designed, or interior designed, with a lamppost or a giant luminescent (light up to give a sense of magic) tree at the center of the space.
Ex. Pub Saint-Elizabeth terrace during Montreal
“This place is Narnia as fuck, or Narnia af; imma going to post this on my IG story with #narniaaf
This is a term used by an individual to express how insanely jealous they are of another person's belongings or situation. The Jelly is an abbreviation for Jealous, the AF stands for As F**k.
Stuart: OH my gosh, I just won the $600 Million jackpot on the powerball lottery!!!
Brian: Wow, I'm Jelly AF!
When you lowkey wanna die and you lost hope for it to get better so you just sit in yo room and cry all day.
Elie: “hey how r u?”
Rose: “i’ve been sad af for the past few weeks..”
The result of Buckwheat an a hipster having a son who grows up an sports a mustache.
That's a nice af-stasche on that crank.