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Absolute Krusty

The act wherein the male ejaculates onto his partners hair while they sleep, resulting in a spiky and crispy hairdo that resembles the one worn by The Simpsons character Krusty The Clown.

"Doris looks rough today Keith, did you slip her an Absolute Krusty last night?.."

by Robbie Carton Comedian July 29, 2022

the absolute mother fucking greatest

The absolute mother fucking greatest!!

See Madeline over there? She’s the absolute mother fucking greatest. I wish I could be like her

by Stegosaurusrexx November 25, 2021

Getting Absolutely Got

"Something that's so embarrassing, so deeply uncomfortable, or so discusting that your face contorts, you make noises like a constipated frog, and you get a feeling in your stomach, the feeling that you've got...

Got" -Grill Burns

Getting Absolutely Got is basically like getting T.S.G.V.

by RoseRed669 January 22, 2023

absolute imbecile

the types of people who don't like Numberblocks

Mark is an absolute imbecile.

by theamazingtritri October 28, 2021

absolute gibberish

absolute gibberish to the point where you can't understand shit.

person 1: "fkijdhkfiusdfgdisfudsl"
person 2: tf

person 3: its absolute gibberish

by -ASUTE- September 14, 2022

Absolute Gibberish

Text That Has No Meaning Behind It

Hpdiwej pofkew pofkeppiodo kxEf erferfker pogk oerikdLfwoefo e wifjoew ijPedfe wfe fefefe fMhjklkjhgvfbhjiuyh gvbh njuhygbhnjEfjeifh eiufjoefoie joigfjoej gloejr
Absolute Gibberish

by fwefff September 11, 2022

absolute heater

A fart that is so foul in smell that it leaves your anus with a hot or burning sensation

Laid down an absolute heater at work the other day, it cleared out the whole cubicle.

by TheREALFartyMcFly February 13, 2024