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And I oop

Used by a big dick bitch with no sense of humour and is usually blonde and annoying

And I oop said the vsco girl

by Seth Taylor November 12, 2019

And I oop

Used by a big dick bitch and is very gay

And I oop

by Seth Taylor November 12, 2019

and i oop

an annoying ass catchphrase used by a species called vsco girls. it also has been on the internet for 4-5 years and it all of a sudden became popular.

girl 1: omg i just dropped my hydroflask and i oop sksksks

girl 2: sksksks and i oop skskssksks

by vinesandpoptarts September 12, 2019

And I Oop

When a vsco girl drops a item or a hydro flask

And I oop sksksksk

by Fartmcdaniels September 17, 2019

And I Oop

something vsco girls say when they drop their hydroflasksksksk

Hydroflask: Falls
Vsco Girl: AND I OOP
Everyone else around them: *stares*

by Subscribe to Alexis' World yt February 26, 2020

1👍 1👎

And I oop

A word that is laughing for annoying ass vsco girls completed by sksksk and I almost dropped my hydro flask.

Sksksk is : Shit/Damn/Oof for normal people

And sksksk: Hahah/LoL/lmao annoying ass vsco girls

Teacher:Tell abt your parents
Becky:My mom and sad are siblings so are they also my uncle and auntie

Teacher: And I oop

by ThatOneNiggaNaruto August 22, 2019

And I oop

A decent meme that these Vsco boitches just happened to use in their everyday lives. Good job vsco girls. WEAR PANTS

(I still don’t know what sKsKsK means)

Bethany: cOmE On jEssIcA I sEE A cUtE bOY OvEr thErE!
Jessica: hOld On lEt mE grAb mY hYdrOflAsk
*grabs it and drops it (this action might be on purpose but no one knows)*
Jessica and Bethany: And I OOp! Teehee sksksksksksksksk

by Reitired.tomato October 18, 2019