An unwanted, somewhat aggressive approach in a club/dance hall/bar by a rather unattractive or drunk person, by method of dancing towards the victim, usually backwards, with the rear-end moving like the pendulum on a grandfather clock, gyrating up against the victim like the attacker was wiping their ass on the victims clothes.
Britney: "Holy crap, don't look"
Moesha: "What , what is it?"
Britney: "Damn girl, that fugly guy is looking at us. He's dancing like he's gonna do a boogie attack on me... eugh..."
The aftermath of severe diarrhoea whilst using the lavatory.
Jesus Christ that was a splat attack, you might want to give that a minute
The mother of all panic attacks, it's three times worse, and you don't see it coming. It eventually leads to continual meltdowns, and the fallout affects everyone you care about.
OMG! OMG! OMG! I'm having a Japanic attack!!!
When a sentient toaster/robot toaster's voice goes muffled and it desperately wants toast, if it does not get toast it will threaten to commit genocide until it does
Sentient Toaster(in a muffled voice): I want toast
Other person: Are you having a Toaster Attack?
When you are bombarded with awkness.
When everything around you in a situation is awkward.
Everything about that situation was awkward, i had an awk attack in there.
when you run up the stairs and you're too fat to catch your breath
i get frequent fatasthma attacks in Zumba class.
When someone leaves their facebook logged on and unattended and another person uses this acocount to post a wall message.
Wall posts cannot be racial, offensive, or derogatory.
Limit of three wall posts per attack.
If the person who owns the facebook account is in the room, then you get an extra three wall posts if you manage to finish writing the first three wall posts before he notices.
Lee leaves his facebook logged on and Cheech gets on and posts a wall message on one of Lee's friends. The message written makes Lee feel embarassed. Lee got facebook attacked!
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