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Brett Willis Perriam

A Brett Willis Perriam refers to a person going through a mid life crisis at an early stage of life, More than likely a raging alcoholic with an urge to Bed a toothless wool handler on the regular basis. (Brett Willis Perriam was known to be an alcoholic, pickpocket and thief around the victorian age)

Joe Bloggs: I'm definitely drinking and making love to a creature tonight after fleecing a thousand dollars on the pokies. after Jordan: Oh mate, you're a bit of a Brett Willis Perriam.

by Highconcentratedmoonshinestank April 1, 2022

Jono brett

Annoying yuppi with a really fast and ear-damaging laugh. Should be shot immdeietly if discovered...Will buy his way out of anything

man: Dude, grab my shotgun, i want to shoot that Jono in the head!


by williewilliewilliepirate April 3, 2009


Someone who people are constantly being screwed with. Originates from Bret Hart who was screwed over in the Montreal srewjob.

James is always Brett-Harted. He needs therapy but the therapist lives in Montreal and is known for screwing with people. Will he ever be Un-Brett-Harted

by INeedTherapyPleaseHelp June 25, 2023

Brett newton

Bus Driver who cannot run to on-time schedule who is always rude and never on time

Brett newton is a rude Bus Driver

Newcastle transport he works for

by He06$111929 December 30, 2025

Brett newton

Never on time always run late driving the bus

Always runs like never on time doesn’t know how to drive a bus shouldn’t be a driver everyone should report him Brett newton is a AM Bus Driver at Hamilton depot

by He06$111929 December 30, 2025

brett murphy

Brett Murphy is another word for someone who goes on corn hub all day

Yo man, stop being a Brett Murphy.

by Cornhub user 42069 April 30, 2016

Brett Dickson

A bad ass that doesn’t give a shit and will do anything for his family, normally bauld and has to wear a hat all the time. Normally hates gays.

Your such a Brett Dickson

by Brett Dickson January 5, 2019