1. A witty retort or remark about a whore, using the term whore, or implying that someone or something is exhibiting whore like behavior. More often used to describe a generalized remark but can also be used to imply that an individual is a whore.
2. A minor epidermal burn caused by a whore touching you too vigorously.
1. Halloween is just an excuse for girls to dress up like whores. I thought the point of Halloween was to be something you’re not. OOOOOH. Whore-burn.
2. Justin: "Dude where did you get that rash?"
Peter: "Some girl gave me a whore-burn when I was at the party."
A person who walks quickly without picking up their feet.
'Gee, will you look at Zoran walking to the printing machine, that guy really burns the carpet.'
When someone fingers another with one or more STD's, their finger is now burning with STD's
Hey, Brad has a burning finger from Mariah.
A saying used when dancing or roller skating to describe how much, how hard or how proficient someone does these activities.
She or he was burning the wood at the dance last night. He or she was burning the wood at the rink last night.
This associated with all forms of dance since wood floors work the best for all of these activities.
your average danny burns has hair more greasy that kfc chicken. not only that but he has a dead trim.
danny burns: heheheheha
A term that originated from the 2004 movie 'Mean Girls'. It is a book the Plastics use to write nasty comments and start rumors/gossip about their classmates. Nowadays, it can be used to refer to any book that contains hateful comments about anything.
Got anything bitchy you want to say about someone? Put it in a burn book then!
A funny name for a guy who may or may not have VD.
Probably gay.
Into man on man sloppiness.
Holy shit man, my Rich Burns