person 1: it’s not the size of the ding-dong that matters as much as the ability to make good use of the ding-dong you have.
person 2: size matters
person 1: not necessarily. look at chris evans
person 3: chris evans’ ding-dong is big. and he has bde. and he surely knows how to have a good time
A bong (water pipe). Basingstoke rhyming slang for,
Where's the ding dong destroyer?
When you send a bitch a nude & she leaves you on read
This girl on Christian Mingle just ding dong ditched me 😢
Da Hood related
1. Being a camouflage of the road and knocking on someone's door. The owner of the house may or may notice you.
2. Knocking on someone's door, running and then hiding.
The girls just ding dong ditched us.
Running up to your s/o at full tilt, slipping a single finger in for a second then running away while laughing maniacally
My girlfriend kicked me out after I Ding-dong Ditched her
male masturbation. linda said it in a bob’s burgers episode.
Linda: “Oh, go play ping pong with your ding dong!”
Slang for penis and a racial slur or Asian people.
Chong Wu: Dooood I totally just saw Hong's Shlong-Ding-Dong hanging out!
Ling-Ling: Dooood no freaken' way!