The meaning of “Travaillé du” is working hard like people in Grill N Go, Subways and Mcdonals. Scrubbing dishes, stove and anything you used to cook.
Konnin, Joey and his collegue ap travaillé du
a silk material worn around a persons head with the corners tied together to protect hair for a process hairstyle during the night (or during they day depending on what the person wants to do) it also comes in multiple colors.
Person1: How do you get waves? it looks so hard.
Person2: Well the most important part is the Du rag so you don't mess the hair up
it's actually not that hard but you have to be willing to put in effort and time
The stray/outside cat that dwells around the cal-du-sac of the neighborhood.
"That dang cal-du-cat keeps going around begging for food, it's fat enough!"
"The kids love to play with the cal-du cat, I hope it doesn't have fleas."
"We named the cal-du-cat 'Patches'."
Can be used in any context, but usually for over-exaggerating a feeling of contention with someone. It's also used to signal a certain affiliation to a friend group.
Ragatoni proceeds to drink 15 beers in one hour.
Kräse asks, if he wants another one.
Ragatoni of course says yes.
Kräse response with: Du Dräckige!
Can be used in any context, but usually for over-exaggerating a feeling of contention with someone. It's also used to signal a certain affiliation to a friend group.
S: Ragatoni drinks 4 liters of beer.
K: Du Dräckige
Ordspråket ''Nu har du grävt dig djupt ner i keson'' används när någon gjort något dåligt eller är lite fel.
''NEJ NU HAR DU GRÄVT DIG DJUPT NER I KESON MARKUS!!!'', eller ''Nu är du lite djupt ner i keson Johan''
Word to describe very fun activity. You are so excited to say something is fun that autocorrect messed it up