Source Code

nipple dee jo

1. (N) Nipple of Dee Jo. Big, but very little at times, making the nipples multiply into 4-10 small nipples. 2. (N) Disease from Dee Jo in which nipples can be shockingly big, and may multiply into 4-10 nipples.

1. "Hey, Dee Jo, what's up with your nipples?"

"I got Nipple Dee Jo. Nipple me."

2. "Dude, I heard you got Nipple Dee Jo disease."

"Yeah, I have 8 nipples right now. Wanna see?"

by Caca PooPoo PeePee Shart December 4, 2013

Dee. L Penney

A Dee Penney is not just a BADASS he is the baddest of all badasses. There is no exception to this ever! In fact he is such a badass most people call him the Pirate of all pirates the only ones who don’t are know as bitches! The Dee Penney will be respected.

The Dee. L Penney is the baddest, of all badasses no exceptions.

by Baddest badasses May 7, 2020


1. The worst insult you could say to a complete dumbass. You can say this to a faggot that doesn't understand the word, like a teacher, or if you are in an argument and you cannot think of a comeback you can just finish the bitch off with Fiddle-De-Doo.

Doucher- "Your mom!" everyone laughs!!!

Awesome Guy- "Well Fiddle-Dee-Doo" everyone shits bricks!!!

by MichaelCapps January 7, 2011

18πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

ho dee deet

a phrase used when aggravated or have nothing else intelligent to say.

ho dee deet bo and what the mother hell

by big poppa panty droppa November 29, 2010

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Indicates a whole lot but without referencing a specific number

Finally she snagged herself a baller after ump-dee-ump years of dating broke, triffling losers.

by WriterGurl September 25, 2013

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Dee Close-Smith

a rather large lady who loves to park in handicapped parking spots just because she's fat. she loves to get involved with her daughters high school drama, she loves to SCREAM! at 17 year old girls because she is in denial about how much of a douchelord her daughter is...

DAMN! that lady Dee Close-Smith is one BIG BITCH!

by loudmouth90 April 28, 2010

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De De Dee

A De De Dee Is A Stupid, Dumb Persom

There Was This De De Dee Who Couldn't Get A Job Because He Was Such A De De Dee.

by PittPenz May 25, 2008

9πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž