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Dino is a well-known Bosnian name. It comes from the Arabic word "din" = faith. Dino is a nice, loving person. At first sight he appears arrogant and disinterested. But behind this hard shell is a soft core that melts every heart. Dino has the art of remembering little things and making the people around him very happy. When he loves, he loves with all his heart. If he could, he would make the people he cares about, the happiest in the world.Even if that meant taking on their suffering. But that's Dino. He is special, he is a hero. Dino can be sure that he will never be alone, because you don't leave such a wonderful person. When you find him, you keep him. He makes you feel special. At the same time, he seems like a soul mate because he understands everything. He is considerate and understanding. Even the little things that are not so positive are not negative with him. Dino gives you strength and power and always reminds you how beautiful life is. He motivates you because he loves you. There is no one like him and that's why I love him.

I love you my Bibi <3

Dino is a name, it comes from the arabic word din.

by iammia625363 November 22, 2021


“Your loved one who is obsessed with dinosaurs

Girl~I love Dino so much

Boy~Why do you call her that

Girl~Well because she’s a dinosaur lover

by Huntersdino March 22, 2021

DIno Nuggets

Yummy and Delicious

Dino Nuggets are tasty, and you should eat them

by Dino Nugget Fan January 24, 2024

Dino nugget

Your bestie boo

Who’s ur bestie
A Dino nugget obviously

by Cartwheels March 3, 2024

Dino nugget

Dino nuggets are lit u can get them at save on foods Ashley and Nola are pro Dino nugget finders

dino nugget is a meat

by Dino nugget 224 January 3, 2020

Dino nuggets

The absolute BEST nuggets in the world and if you have never tried them before who even are you. If you don’t know what they are because your a weirdo from mars they are basically nuggets shaped like a dinosaur that just somehow tastes better when u eat them

Person 1: ima just take the head off the Dino nuggets and dip it in tomato sauce to make it look dead.
Person 2: uhh ok..

by PotatoCheeseBall April 9, 2022

Makya the Dino

A bot who likes to nut during no nut November and likes to freaking like the hairs of his friends g.o. henrique and rogelio xd suuuuuu

makya the dino roasted zhang lao shi

by GEO THE GOAT November 2, 2020