A person who is a frequent user of marijuana edibles. Generally a non-smoker, specifically uses weed through eating edibles.
We were huge ed-heads last night!
Sarah doesn’t smoke weed, she’s just an ed-head!
The act of being sucked into a downward spiral of Competitive drinking brought about by simply engaging with your neighbors in friendly conversation. Being Mediterra-ed typically involves copious amounts of Busch Light, White Claw ( or equivalent), and shots. Symptoms of being Mediterra-ed include but are not limited to the following: the need for all the tacos, headache, fatigue, green bean yard spew, and obnoxious texts.
I went to help fix Justin’s (insert any household item) and boom before you know it it was Mediterra-ed.
Kayley Ed is the most beautiful and sweetest girl you would ever meet. It takes some time to get to know her really well but once you do you'll be glad shes in your life. Words that describe Kayley Ed are Funny, beautiful, cute, smart, interesting, and dedicated. Anyone who gets close to Kayley Ed and is in a relationship with them is the luckiest human being in the world. A few of her interests would be music, movies, games and books all of which are amazing to hear her talk about. There's not a lot of people like you Eds i love you a lot and I'm glad you're with me.
Brian: i heard you're dating Kayley Eds?
Aidan: yeah i am, im so lucky to have a beautiful girl like her
To be sabotaged. This can be malicious, however the term is usually referring to a humourous prank done by a friend, or even 'self-sabotage'.
Miss USA self sabo-ed:
means literally: fucked in the ass
Melvin: Wow, dude. You really got f-ed in the a on that one.
Audra: Damn right I did, my ass hurts after that one.
29👍 20👎
The essance of understanding someone else's shock towards a subject.
I understood how jessie was shock-ed by the facts she found out.
23👍 15👎