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Filthy Fuentes

The coordinated act of eating a meal that sickens oneself, quickly leading to an intense situation where one sharts while concurrently vomiting.

May be related to the Spanish translation of the word Fuentes, in this case meaning 'Filthy Fountain', due to the output of nasty material at the same time from various orifices, much like a filthy fountain.

An eat-with-your-hands dinner theater event at the local Renaissance Fair initiated the chain of events that ultimately led Phyllis to be the victim of a Filthy Fuentes she will not soon forget.

by Lucille Henderson April 18, 2006

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filthy josh

The process of placing ones penis in a women's ass and using pepto bismol for lubrication. Then ordering a camel from israel to spit in her mouth as she has an orgasm at which time the man ejaculates semen in to her ear causing an ear infection.

My girlfriend had to go to doctor to get the filthy josh i left her removed.

Man josh is dirty fucker for inventing this

Plain and simple .... chicks love it.

Don't knock until you try it

by Josh610 April 30, 2006

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Filthy Felix

When a woman crams chicken feathers up a mans anus during sexual intercoarse. The man promptly farts the feathers on to the womans chest.

I gave my boyfriend a Filthy Felix and then he went gay.

by Chiipeeer:) December 31, 2010

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filthy wasted

Wasted in the most extreme sense of the word. When one becomes filthy wasted he/she will do and say things that they would never dream of doing sober. You will also admit to things that you are ashamed of! Girls will want to slap bitches and then make out with 'em and guys will want to kill a nigga!

"I have never seen Allie get that filthy wasted! She even admitted to the time she let John put it in her ass!"

by sherbear January 3, 2006

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Filthy SkeeBall

Sexual act, while having sex in the missionary position. Right before ejaculation, the man pulls out, shoots his load in her belly-button, then punches her in the stomach trying to shoot the cum into her mouth or on her tits, gaining points for nipples, eyes, and mouth.

Billy was banging some chick and got 50 points when he performed a filthy skeeball.

by Whobeedoobee August 1, 2008

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filthy pirate

Similar to the fish eye, the filthy pirate is when one is having sex, and just before climax, the man pulls out and comes in his partner's eye. Usually, the partner covers her eye with one hand, and the man says, "Arr."

Guy: I gave that girl the filthy pirate last night.
Another Guy: Arr.

by matt_gl November 12, 2003

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filthy reindeer

When you shit on someone's chest wearing antlers with no fucks given

If you keep acting bad during the holidays I'll give you a filthy reindeer !

by T gang December 22, 2014

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