Someone who was born and raised in Florida, is usually upper-middle class, and has warped senses of importance and entitlement derived from a limited worldview. The FP will also typically feel unfulfilled in life and will make it the problem of everyone else around them.
Kelsi's Tinder profile read, "I'm such a beach bum lol. I love my three kids, trucks, God, guns, and Trump. I'm basically a Florida Princess."
A pool of jizz from a Disney dad running down a cast members cheek while his wife and kids are asleep at the hotel.
"Where have you been? The parade starts in 5 minutes!"
"I had to clean up the Florida Pool from that Disney Dilf!"
Oh my god did you see that crazy lady using alligator foreskin for her field hockey grip? Yeah that’s Florida woman
Florida Paddle
Flor·i·da \ˈflȯr-ə-də, ˈflär- pad·dle intransitive verb \ˈpa-dəl\
1: to move the hands or feet about in a very shallow motion to gain thrust while surfing, in a manner to avoid shark attack; especially common in the U.S. state of Florida, but useful in other states.
It was getting dark and a little sharky in the water, so he did a florida paddle.
Resulting from a Floridian's recent rebuke of schools showing classic art (specifically, Michelangelo's David): anyone showing leg below the knee, A&F advertisements, firefighter calendars, any swim suit designed after 1946, the showing of pelvis or clavicle even through tight fitting clothing; and of course any Renaissance art (those nasty 14th century bastards!)
Terry is looking hawt in the new Fire Fighter calendar! That shirtless pic is straight up Florida Porn!
The act of chasing a shot of Fireball with orange juice. (NOT mixing the two)
Pass me the Fireball handle and that bottle of orange juice so I can have myself a Florida Fireball.
Killed by Florida started years ago out of the depressed swamp of south Florida, full of hate and angst. We are politically charged and fast as hell. We are anti-religion, anti-racist, anti-transphobia, and anti-war.
Rivs- lead guitar
Scala- bass
Alex- drums
Jammer- lead vocals.
I went and saw killed by Florida live. It was the best show I had ever been to!