Being better than everyone, and everything on the planet. Taken most of the time as a compliment, because of its meaning of being iconic and absolutely amazing as fuck.
You're so gay!!
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Gays are the only worthy people.
All straight guys are repressed. Metrosexuals are tolerable.
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John: That guy is so gay!
Paul: The one with the girl's pants, the purse, make-up and he just kissed that other guy?
John: Yup!
Paul: How can you tell?
John: He's smiling. ;)
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This word has 3 defenitions.
The first defenition is another word for "Homo" or "Homosexual".
The word homo means two guys liking/loving each other.
As two women liking each other are called "Lesbian"
Gay can mean that something is really happy or over the top happy.
It is rarely used and the word "Glad" and "Happy" is commonly used.
Gay can also be used as an insult. But they most of the time know you are not gay.
Bieng called gay is pretty serious and if you are young, should call an adult.
Guy 1: "Hey, have you seen the new guy in our class?"
Guy 2: "Yeah, he seems gay, he wears make-up all the time and has log curly hair"
"Is everyone have a grand ol' gay time?!"
"This movie is so gay! IT SUCKS!"
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A word used for homosexual men and is the 'G' in 'LGBTQ+' but is mostly used by immature 12 year old boys to insult each others mother. The word is closely related to the word lesbian.
Correct response to the sit'ation; The word 'gay' is not meant to be offensive so sit down.
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A beautiful word to express the meaning of a boy only loving his same gender/sex. A girl may also feel the same way about her gender/sex, but the better term for this is lesbian.
James: Hi Jack!
Jack: Hi...
James: What's wrong love?
Jack: I got bullied for again...
James: Don't worry, I love you no matter how gay you are!!!
Both: *Smile*
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