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George W Bush

The reason why people are starting to hate Americans;
The stupidass dickstick who insists on starting a war with a country who did absolutly nothing to us whatsoever.

George W Bush has a 23% approval rating (as for as I know) and ask anybody on the street what they think of Bush and 9 times out of 10, they will say "hes a pathetic excuse for a president"

by Smart_One August 6, 2007

246๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

george w bush

our tweaker-ass fucktarded president of the united states that is an embarrassment to economics, society and the use of speed.

our gas prices are high cause of the war in iraq which began around this time (march) 2003 which was bush's idea. on top of that he is the reason we receive a punishment from god by having hurricane katrina slam into new orleans, not just because there were too many tweakers walking the street during the summer nights of 2005.

another one of his dumb ideas is having spring forward early the second week of march (2007) which is a half-baked idea.

george w bush sucks dick he is such a goon.

by half-baked March 10, 2007

237๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

george w bush

The worst US president of ALL time. He supposedly was visited by the Arch Angel Gabrielle in a vison where he was told it was his god given mission to spread peace and democracy throughout the Middle East by launching a full-scale invasion of Iraq.Others say it is a mild case of downs syndrome of which he suffers while others yet say he is the antichrist.This man mislead the UN into believing that Iraq had weapons of mass distruction and that Iraq was working with Al-Qaida although it was well known that Iraqs military never recovered from the ass wuppn it got in the first desert storm and that iraq and Al-Qaida have as much to do with each other as Pepsi and Coca-Cola. George W Bush succeeded like no other president before him in destroying the reputation of the USofA and while raping the country for what it was worth he and his cronies where given all the best civilain contracts with which the became rich and enjoy an early retirement today.One would almost think this whole thing was planned from the start.A true Texas simpelton,this man was lucky to leave office when he did,the actions and decisions he made where the foundations of the economic crisis which came soon after he left office and he is the reason why today there ARE terror groups in Iraq. Thanks George,great job!

Reporter asks Mafia boss who his role models where....The Bush cabinet.

Local Mullah in Afghanistan: Why cant i threaten my neighbors with war and violence when they dont share my beliefs? Bush did....why cant i give my cronies the best jobs and the top government positions even if they are completely unqualified? George w Bush did!

by ronnie3091 February 11, 2010

290๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

George w. Bush

George w. Bush is a moron who has lived one of the greatest miracles in life. Being rich and a president, while being a retard at the same time.

See Dumbass
See Devil
See Retard
See Moron

He is such a George w. Bush!

by DannyRebus November 27, 2010

241๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

George W Bush

Worst. President. Ever. No, seriously. The polls show it, go look for yourself. The whole world heralded his departure.

Even Fox News rated George W Bush's approval rating as less than 30% towards the end.

by Chris Nehren January 20, 2009

239๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

George W Bush

One of the few people in this world who are such failiures they don't have a hidden clever side. The only people who like him are either terrifyingly right wing or just mislead.

Foolish Mortal: Aww, he can't be all bad; he must have a hidden intelligent side to him or else people wouldn't have voted him in. I think the poor chap's just significantly underrated...

T.V: And, once again, a few hundered innocent Iraqi civillians have died due to a pointless war started by none other than George W Bush.

Foolish Mortal: I stand corrected.

by bignose June 18, 2007

233๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

george w. bush

A sly moronic retard. Who can't manage a country let alone himself. Unable to make a intelligent speech or show any smarts whatsoever. Hates black people( Connie does not count). Can't keep a country out a debt, but can start wars with innocent bystanders for oil( but it is still high!)!Take five days to make any attempt to save people in New Orleans from death, doom, and diaster! He is as intelligent as this chair I'm sitting in. He looks like a white chimp or a monkey's ass. Not the brightest bulb in the knife draw.

I George W. Bush and this is what I be thinking: George W. Bush is a smart president..even better than Clinton, and JFK. "What the quickest way to the get to Seseme Street...I mean New Orleans?" "Look Dick I stayed in the lines!" "All these words making my brain hurt!" "Global warming isn't dangerous...the sun is always warm." "5+2+4+3+7= ELEVENTY" George W.Bush isn't the best we have.

by NawlinsSuga February 1, 2007

223๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž