Simply nailogical (youtuber) pronunciation of glossy top coat (nails)
Let finish it all off with a glossy taco
A “glossy taco” is what us Holosexuals (A.K.A viewers of Simply Nailogical) pronounce “glossy top coat”
As an example:
Now we’re gonna add, a nice thick coat of glossy taco!
This word/words come from the youtuber simply nailogical you probably came to this site because of Cristine. HOLOSEXUAl FOR LIFE. Cristine usually uses this word/words when she is applying a thick coat of glossy topcoat.
Now through on a quick coat of glossy taco and then it is all done.
Glossy Taco: A shiny top coat used alone or over nail polish/art to protect and finish a manicure first coined by Cristine from SimplyNailogical
"After applying the holo glitter I will add a glossy taco to bring out the shine"
A glossy taco is the final step of completing your nails.
Apply a glossy taco to finish your nails!
A top coat of nail polish. Simplynailogical came up with the words glossy taco
Put a glossy taco on
A nail polish that is the final layer to keep the holo in check and last longer...
And apply glossy taco, that's a topcoat for you newbies.