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gypsy face

A person who has a face that looka like bag of assholes,

Vince: Did you see that guy?
Ralph: The one playing loud music next door?
Vince: Yea, he totally had a gypsy face.
Ralph: Fo sho, he looked like he had a bag of assholes for a face.

by Vincerelli February 26, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

slippery gypsy

A good dancer. Often found at parties, clubs or gigs where music is blaring.

Have you seen Emily dance before? Man, she is a real slippery gypsy.

by classicslang February 9, 2011

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Sea Gypsy

A large handed man of mountainous Descendancy found mainly around Harolds Cross but migrates to South East Asia for the warmer climes. On arrival in the tropics the Sea Gypsy really comes into himself plundering flesh pots and houses of ill-repute.

Kenny, you're such a sea gypsy

by mostopher January 10, 2010

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Bed Gypsy

A person who roams the bed, sporadically or habitually, awake or asleep.

Leslie: Sweetheart, you kept me awake last night because you were moving around so much.

Dan: I just couldn't get in the zone, sorry for being a bed gypsy.

by Snoresalot June 10, 2009

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gypsy half

When you ask for a gypsy half you are asking for a quarter of a cigarette, usually just past the letters.

Skint Man "Heya can I have half of that."

Man with cigarette "No wai"

Skint Man "Okay how bout a gypsy half"

Man with cigartee "Knock yourself out"

by Ricky-Acid October 28, 2007

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gypsy kiss

to take a piss

'alf a cock linnet, just wanna take a gypsy.

ie. gypsy short for gypsy kiss

by BowBells July 17, 2008

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gypsy tears

1/2 shot of wild turkey 101 bourbon
1/2 shot of bacardi 151 rum
add into 4 oz of red bull

barkeep a round of gypsy tears for me and my crew

by brettmharris July 22, 2008

40๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž