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Her booty blast me out to space.

Praise d lord.

"dam. Jessica".

by Jerico boom November 22, 2021


Anything that Jessica says or does that cannot be explained reasonably. A made up word, or questionable action.

The girl not being able to count to three, did a jessicaism.
Running down the halls singing is a jessicaism.

by Jessica shoeless April 3, 2008

27πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


jessica is the best mom friend on earth!!!! she actually does her homework, her boyfriend’s hw, AND makes time to teach her friends how to do life (best si/ta on earth idk how but she actually always knows whats going on)!!!! w/ out a jessica your life will fall apart, you will get locked out of your room & so drunk that you hide in a closet for 4 hours !! jessicas r the best! go jessica!!

georgio: what’s up bros
matt: i love jessica
trevor: no i love jessica
kate: back off shes my mom
romi: no shes my roommate

by welovejessica October 18, 2018

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


someone who is so posessed by evil and jealousy they go to incredible lengths to see the envied person experience even an ounce of pain compared to what is their life. They are miserable inside so they try to make everyone else miserable too. They wish they were like you yet try to convince people how bad you are. They want people to dislike you because they are so jealous.

jessica the loser, creepy, weirdo, avoid her!

by youcreepcreepcreeper December 30, 2011

2813πŸ‘ 3164πŸ‘Ž


a jesscia is psycho crazy ass bitch who likes to throw things at her husband and break tvs she is a druggie and bad parent.

whoah did you see that crazy jessica running around

by sukmypoop March 7, 2020

11πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


a girl who eats slower than a sloth.

look how slow she eats
wow what a jessica

by fanboy990 March 18, 2019

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


An extremely out there person that doesn't care like at all but has a big heart and is just a halirous person.

Lol Jessica u srsly don't care!?

by Ashley Greene April 3, 2017

8πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž