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Juan Time

Someone who is always late or never shows up when he makes previous plans with friends

I got a call from the dude. He should be here any minute but then again, he is on Juan time.

by Funky225 February 26, 2013

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juan de poco

Juan de poco is the name given for someone who accomplish something in history but you're not sure who the he really is because your talking out your ass.

The first person to ever sail around the world is uh....juan de Poco. Or I think Juan de Poco invented the internet or maybe the greeting what's up.

by Bearcatkev August 2, 2018

juan miguel

beaner because of who he is and where he comes from that means he is a Mexican.

very smart and a Mexican that is a beaner that is kinda childish.
Juan Miguel is a very common name for mexicans.

by Juan Miguel Rodriguez II February 6, 2018

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Juan Pablo Larios

A male (usually a graphic design teacher) that at times can be a joy to deal with and at other times be the most stubborn and annoying human in exstitance. He is the type of guy to like you one second and the other second absolutly hate your soul.

Hey Man did you hear about Juan Pablo Larios

No what did he do

He just failed me on my assignment because he was pissed off today

Damn that sucks

by Joseph Links December 2, 2022

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San Juan Surprise

When one Puerto Rican bumps into you so you drop something you are holding and when you are bending over, another Puerto Rican sticks a finger up your butthole and screams "Caucau! Caucau!" like a bird.

Billy Bowstaff was walking down the dusty, lonely street contemplating his life force. Suddenly, before he knew it, he was a victim of a San Juan Surprise.

by Julio Handjob June 12, 2006

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Obi-Juan Kenobi

A wise mexican trained in the martial arts. Pretty handy with a machete. Usually found wearing some hoodie.

Thanks, I learned my skills from Obi-Juan Kenobi, the guy that lives around 9th street.

by Gypsum Golem June 17, 2005

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Dawn Juan

A drunken female that wants nothing more than to hook it up and have a cocktail.

Shit.....is that girl drunk again? Yes she is....and she is going home with another "friend" .......she is a Dawn Juan fo SHO!

by Dawnsmom.com September 6, 2008

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