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Los Links

1 An exclamation of anguish in response to links and/or images not working properly due to a bad connection, bad coding, etc.
Often with a latin accent.

2 An exclamation of frustration in response to not being able to find what you are looking for on google due to so many links.

1 "I'd better hurry and delete that post before she sees it! *click* (link fails) No! Los links.... LOS LIIIINKS!!!!"

2 "I'm trying to find it but there's so many links.... OMG so many links! Argh, Los links.... LOS LIIIINKS!!!!"

by NeXas LenaX June 12, 2010

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link love

that certain kind of love that you get from link

Listen, link love bitch.

by linkavich love March 6, 2011

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Jake Link

Stand up comic from new jersey who is knowen for his self depratcated humor has been apart of the opie and anthonys car crash comedy also has appered on sevral internet radio shows and has been a host on marconis regret and cluster f radio. but was knowen for his charecters with the friday nite specials cast

guy1: whos on the show to night?

guy2: Jake Link!

guy1:really? aiming low are we

by comedy25 July 21, 2009

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Sneaky Link

Usually when you secretly meet up with someone.

But drinks can also be called a sneaky link. It’s when a drink is nicely mixed but strong enough that it sneaks up on you.

Friend: Ayo, try this drink I make!
Friend 2: (sips) there’s alcohol in this? Oh yeah, this is a sneaky link for sure!

by Semi-black August 28, 2021

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penis linking

When 2 men staple there cocks together

Zach and Collin Penis linking

by AwesomeDude91 April 5, 2017

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soul link

A warlock talent that removes the need of skill

Dude, that warlock pwns. Wait, it just has soul link, nvm

by Cobbster July 3, 2006

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Linking Log

This is when a male stands over a female (reverse piledriver position) and puts his asshole on the females stretched vagina and takes a dump inside her.

We heard this girl at work liked to get pooped on so Mike gave her a Linking Log.

by redrocket September 1, 2006

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